Sunday, October 15, 2006

DAC's Halloween Party

These pictures are courtesy of Carolyn and were all taken from last Saturday night. The spooky party started at promptly 8pm and ended at 11pm.We hanged out at Lovella's pad until 1am before going to Thomas Morato to get some booze and chill.

We stayed in a bar with pool and karaoke. Art and I were both so hungry by the time we reached Quezon City at around two o' clock in the morning.We ended up ordering and eating grilled seafoods, chicken and pancit.

The Fantastic 4 (Gilbert, Macky, Art and I) shared the bills of our first HOLY meal. (it was Sunday already)while others had their own groupings. Most of them were drinking beer, I was only having coffee to keep me awake.

I ended up going home at 3am. Ruben & Andref went
went home with me and I slept at 5am. I have a tutorial
this Sunday from 2-6pm... It was truly one HELL of a

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