Sunday, October 30, 2005

Catching Up!

It's been quite a while and I have not written any entry here in my blog cuz I was trying to catch up with my life. I missed a lot for three days you see... I stopped living for three days and it was hell. Missing work for three days is not a joke. My work just piled up one after another and I just don't have the heart to do anything. My mind had been going on point blank in the past few weeks when I started was missng out.
Why was I missing my life? you may ask....oh well, it will sound so silly for me now to say the reasons why. However, back then it means so much to me. My reasoning at that time was so reasonable and doesn't sound so silly at all. I have feelings and once again I have let this emotional stuff creep in me. I have let it get on the most part of my human self without even a mere thought of what this little voice is telling me at the back of my mind. We all know that the heart and mind sometimes don't get along pretty well. Each of them has their own way of taking over the human self. It's not easy to make them dwell together as one. Hardly does it happen when your mind and heart goes together. So, in those three days that I stopped living, it was all the emotional self I was... I got so angry and hurt over someone I thought was cheating on me. How can I even think such? When in fact we had a pretty nice time together before things went "kaput." Being online really sucks! Yesh, all of these happened because of a connection that sucks. Now I know what you are starting to think. I'm stupid, I know. I know, I know! I messed my life over the net. Messed three days of it. BUT! Understand, those feelings were real. They were within from a scorned heart. And to deal with such feelings, especially if you happen to be a woman with such temper like me--- ohh well!!! tu tut!
I had a convention for the next two weeks at that time, exam papers to make, narrative reports to revise, checklist for my class, a special report for one of my elementary class, papers to check and sort out in my class record for my college students plus I need to do consultation and my young tutee to attend too. To top them all I have to deal with my bad emotional self. It's like Im having one of those terrible PMS (LOL!). The thing I hate the most about those three days I was in hell was I couldn't get offline and I just couldn't function normally without seeing my laptop screen connected. I stayed awake most of the time too, talking to someone close to me online was such a comfort but not enough to ease my troubled self. I only got over when I was given the order from the top commanding officer (hehehe!). I was ordered off or else I am banned. Part of the training as a new OP in the channel is how "WE" describe it. I need a good spanking the General of the Army told me not once but several times. I am happy to say that's how our friendship begun. Although, after I got over those dreadful three days off, we didn't get to talk much but we know something between the two of us. That just BEWTEEN US! (ahem!). Something personal we shared about ourselves to help me out. Sometimes you need somebody to talk to and ease away that dreary gloom within you. I needed to get back on my feet. "Generals and Majors" helped.
So, I had to plug off and start living. However, I didn't start until the next day but I did took the General's advice to go out and pick myself up. I had to deal things that I messed and I was called in the administrative office the first day I reported back to work. I wasn't surprised. I had anticipated this 'cuz I messed up by missing work. But hell I didn't care at that time and then, I DO SO after I got sober. I had to pick up a lot of pile and clean up. First the exam papers, class records, my lessons and tutee. I also need to fix my classroom and my students work I had to compile cuz its gonna be part of their portifolio by the end of the school year and I haven't done so much as recitation and practical test. These little ones needs more than that yet I knew experience is always the BEST teacher for them. They will remember if they had so much fun and I bet it will stay in them for the rest of their life... in college, I owe to see my other superior and consult with my papers for my presentation. It's not a joke that I have to make a presentation cuz that will be participated by a lot of people and it's a grand thing 'cuz it will be held in a hotel. What scares me is how I would deal questions afterwards. I wonder if I am good enough to answer their questions. I haven't done much and I just couldn't! I had all these ideas up on my mind. I just need to put them in power point prog. but maybe I still haven't got the hang to do so. I need timing until I was told I had to work with someone and get it all done. I did worked with that guy and I was the top commanding officer that night (pls read my blog entry: Hell Night). We finalize things and I went home late unescorted...
I was able to submit my class record and exam papers in my morning job, one day late. I talked to the school Principal regarding my absence and another superior regarding my morning class. I was given an ultimatum that should I fail to report for the third time, I will lost that class. I swore it will not happen again beside, the class has only one meeting left and they can be evaluated. The superior was rather pleased at this so I got away with it. Next, I gave my students reviews and compiled their work and gave more reviews. I went CARPE DIEM! While in my afternoon college job, I taught my students well and took my time cuz rushing wont work on these kids. I still have a lot of paper to check and record for them but the first thing was their midterm and reviews. I didn't missed a thing here cuz missing is not likely acceptable cuz I'm new in this job. I almost got late several times. Just almost but never late! I was always capable to show a two side of myself in here. I may be boiling inside myself yet I'm actually smiling on the outside. I just don't know sometimes how I would do with my class here cuz they are not as motivated as my first students. I am lenient but don't test my patience is what I told them during one of our meetings. I was kindda disappointed and frustrated at one point when such simple task was failed to be done....Oh! I'm not gonna talk so much about that issue here cuz I want to write that entry in another blog. My point here is a different issue. I just don't know whether I am making sense here though( grins).
Anyway, the big day came and the convention started(October 24). I was still in a mess when that day came cuz I was not able to give my time to my other tutee. I did my best though to inform the parents but there was no reply(don't blame me then!). The morning of the convention was great cuz my lecture wont start until the 2nd run which was the next day. I was supportive to Migs. It was fun and food was good. I met a lot of old people I knew back in my younger days as a little girl. This is a goverment gatherings of teachers mind you so you get to see a lot of old timers who are now big old timer! (hahaha!). What do I mean by that?!? I mean old teachers who were once just a mere teacher and are now in higher positions with the Department of Education---GOOD PAY! HIGHER STATUS QUO!
I was beautiful that day, I remember (vain!). However, before the end of the day I was told something I felt bad about. I was told I couldn't use the laptop and my team mate would have to work with someone else cuz after my lecture my superior's lecture would follow and the laptop was reserved for her use. She wanted to prepare her stuff while I go yacketing. Sheesh! Make my day! I'm on my own.... finally the day of my presentation came. I was late but my part won't be until 10:20am. I was clad in black and white had my pearl on for a touch of elegance(vain!). I had to double check my work last night and had to work almost late again with that guy. I was so tense. There was tension in the air and I notice how much the college had supported me. I mean supported? Financially I was given support but no moral support and I felt awfully bad at that. I had to sign my entire lecture and not give a damn at everyone listening and watching me. I was giving a lecture in a preliminary session. I focused on the person voicing over for me and there was my good friend Tess who was suppose to be my interpreter should I started to talk. But my voice failed me. I concentrated in talking with my hands....Finally my lecture was over and I saw their face...NO MORAL SUPPORT! I feel like I don't deserve my plaque and cash. I couldn't even smile at the camera and I wanted to cry. I did cry and the day was ruined! I was told to calm down I'll get over these. It's just my sole turn to be in hot spot cuz it's my leture day. I don't know how I will get over it. When I got home I told my bf about it... In a way I kinda felt better. My bf had other things on his mind and I sorta forgot my misery and he told me I don't have to face it but I need to deal with it. And I did! So, the next and last day at the convention seemed much better. Yep, I also found out the reason behind things that made me feel bad. It wasn't really for lack of moral support but they were all rather upset at some talks during the lectures. There were important issues my superiors wanted to address to the crowds but they were stopped. It was beyond their control cuz the goverment runs their own monopoly. We will have our silent way of running our own business.
Everything ended well and I feel so much better. I moved on... I still had two more days to work and get things to the end. There's still the exam for my subject, my tutee and a program in my morning job. I had to compute grades and have my students sign their consultation record in college and then I am done. I had to do another over time last Friday but this time I made sure I had someone to go home with me. I was safe! but I forgot to get my pay check (lol!). Semestrial break start after Saturday and still I didn't get my pay check. I don't need so much cash cuz I had enough in my wallet from the convention. There's no worries financially... But, I miss my boyfriend. His internet connection still sucks and I TRULY HATE IT!!!!!!!

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Hell Night

I went home late last Thrusday night because I had to finish a program that I need to present for the up coming 6th National Convention on Deaf Education. I worked with a colleague that night and he was trully patient to all my dictations and demands. I was lording over the lab that night cuz the job needs to be really get done.Everyone was cooperative and did their job well. The only thing that was so bothersome was after we got things over I faced the time and realized how late it is---9pm! My colleague looked at me in the eyes as if to say "NINE PM!!!!" I tried to read the look of his expression but I said, "the trains closes at 11pm anyway, so it's safe and no worries." But we both looked kinda worried and unsure. We continued and did the last double check thingies before signing off the programs and computers. When we were done I headed out for the train station only to be greeted by a beautiful lady who was talking on her fone. The woman told me the staion is closed. "WHAT?" Geez, how do I go home? I saw the same worried look on the woman's face. Aw! I'm not alone in this predicment. I ran back to the college to ask for help. "Is there anyone who will be passing the same way as I?" all eyes looked at me. "I need to get to the next train station, at least!" Still nobody answered and one by one they averted their eyes and continued doing their own stuff. Geez! everybody are too tired tonight eh! I went out of the lab and ran back to the train station to double check. Hell! CLOSED.
What will I do now? I called a friend and asked for advice...I was told to hire a taxi instead of boarding a jeep or an FX. However, luckily I saw another colleague and I went with her aboard an FX. She told me where to drop and how to get to the next train station. I dropped out in Quiapo near the end of Mendoza street. I had to walk up the overpass. It was dark. I passed several couple walking the same way. I was walking alone in that dark passage way clad in a long dress with two slits on the sides, revealing my legs and I had on my rings and earings. Ohh my!!! what a way to be... I'm putting myself infront of danger. When I got at the other side of the road I discovered that I had to walk a much darker alley. CRIPES! I had to walk and run at the same time until I could no longer take the darkness so I had to run all the way until I reached safety.I sighed in relief. Finally, I'm in haven. I'm in the next train station and thus can go home safe and calm. But boy, I was pretty close a while back then... I was really scared cuz that place is notorious for thieves and maniacs. Nobody is safe there at night but I guess I am an exception. Thank God for my Angels!!!
I got home safe from physical harm but I wasn't safe from being tagged as PARANOID online. Shees! after telling my friend what happened and how I managed to escape that harrowing experience, I didn't expected to be called such as that word. Hmm?!? Do I expect some sympathy? erm...No, I didn't expect anything but I further didn't expect to be tagged like that either. Me, P-A-R-A-N-O-I-D?!? Well, I pondered for a minute and yes, I may sound like one. I am paranoid BUT online cuz I have all sort of virus protection aside from having my firewalls on and other preventive measures sometimes to an extent that it may cause damage to my pc. I scan as much as possible as I can and update both automatically and manually. I scan before and after going online. That's too much! However, me being paranoid in the outside world, where reality bites, I doubt I am paranoid to that extent. I was caught off guard that night. I didn't expect the station to be closed earlier than 9:30pm. I was wearing a nice dress and some jewelries because I didn't planned to go home so late and get stranded. I got scared for the reason I wasn't prepared and I was left alone to resolve my own situation in the middle of the night. Where I was that night is not even a pleasant place to be caught off guard. I was in the midst of the city of Manila. Where I dropped out was even worse! Being a woman and alone in the middle of the night is DANGEROUS in that place. So who won't be scared? I swore I would never work so late like that again. Never would I put myself at risk like that. That's not being paranoid. I am being cautious, I always am in everything. Experience has taught me a lot. I can't even walk around the small alley or corners of Cubao simply because I know the place isn't safe so why would I thread that path and risk myself? "Nobody is safe from thieves." My online friend told me after I told him that my 18th birthday necklace was snatched from me in Cubao. So, you see the place is not safe.... Nobody would enter a room where outside the door its says HIGHLY EXPLOSIVE! I stay within the malls whenever I go to Cubao and I stay within the safety areas of the trains. I don't thread below the road where its so chaotic and crawded. I experienced boarding a crammed bus and had my wallet stolen. That's traumatic cuz I haven't even paid the bus when my wallet was stolen. How do I explain that to the bus conductor who usually would think it's just another drama of passengers who comes abroad without any money. Well... those experiences taught me not to throw cautions in the wind.
I'm not stupid and definetely not paranoid either. I know what is good and bad for myself and therefore I know what measures to take and not to do. Life is like that, either you throw caution to the wind and run yourself at risk or better yet be safe and stay within safety lines to prevent further harm. People should know the rules and abide if they know what is good for them!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Love You Forever

I woke up this morning feeling all the love that I never seem to have ever felt before. It's such a wonderful feeling....of loving and being loved in return....It's so wonderful, knowing I have someone I love and who loves me back as much as I do.... Andres, I love you!
So whatever happened to your connection again?!? LOL!
Well, the last time my love and I had been talking together online was three nights ago. We've been having the night we will always remember :) Then suddenly he went kaput! That scared the shit out of me! I went KABOOM! Wrote an email screaming my anger and four letter word disappointment then went to the channel where we usually meet. I cried on a friend online and said goodbye. Next, I deleted my blogs and sulked in a room and cried my heart out. In short, it was a post KATRINA disaster!!! Geez! I missed work and its my third day! I went back to the channel and called a dear friend and poured my heart but of course, I still kept some private details---AHEM! I got a series of lecture and I was told I needed a good spanking. Aw! yeah, I do! "GO CARPE DEIM!!! " he said. But I only started my day yesterday and those things happened Sunday night. I truly had to leave my pc and shut all my messengers. I needed to catch up on the life I have neglected for a few days. I wasn't beeing in my usual self lately. I truly BLEW! Been sick bad! And...I just couldn't help missing my love...I think of him constantly and I felt this deep sadness the moment I left my pc and didn't logged in even I knew he was online. I tried sleep and drain all the sadness in my deepest slumber but maybe I was truly born a light sleeper cuz I woke up feeling disturbed. I knew he was looking and waiting for me...So after I got home last night, I went online under the powerful invisibility mode. That did the trick and presto! I saw him logged in ;D hehehehe! We met in another channel server and he had no idea I changed my nick so he was surprised to find out who I am under an assumed new nick. We talked and what a relief he wasnt so angry but he was more understanding this time....more calmer and gentler, hmmm...?!?! unbelievable! or has he turned into the person I used to be and me into the terrible person he is?!? (evil grins!). Are we both picking up each other's personality? HAHAHAHA! funny, what love can do ;D
He went kaput again but I wasnt worried or angry. I just let it be knowing so much now he will be back and that he loves me as much as I do and he WON'T cheat! Sounds like i'm gaining some TRUST now eh! ;D
I love yah FOREVER!!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Remember me when I am gone away,
Gone far away into the silent land;
When you can no more hold me by the hand,
Nor I half turn to go, yet turning stay.
Remember me when no more day by day
You tell me of our future that you plann'd:
Only remember me; you understand
It will be late to counsel then or pray.
Yet if you should forget me for a while
And afterwards remember, do not grieve:
For if the darkness and corruption leave
A vestige of the thoughts that once I had,
Better by far you should forget and smile
Than that you should remember and be sad.

-Christina Georgina Rosetti

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Forever And For Always

( Shania Twain Lyrics for the song Forever And For Always ...I downloaded the MP3 song here.)

In your arms I can still feel the way you
want me when you hold me
I can still hear the words you whispered
when you told me
I can stay right here forever in your arms

And there ain't no way
I'm lettin' you go now
And there ain't no way
and there ain't not how
I'll never see that day...

'Cause I'm keeping you
forever and for always
We will be together all of our day
Wanna wake up every
morning to your sweet face always

Mmmm, baby
In your heart I can still hear
a beat for every time you kiss me
And when we're apart,
I know how much you miss me
I can feel your love for me in your heart

And there ain't no way
I'm lettin' you go now
And there ain't now way
and there ain't no how
I'll never see that day...

Repeat Chorus

(I wanna wake up every morning)

In your eyes (I can still see
the look of the one) I can still see
the look of the one who really loves me
(I can still feel the way that you want)
The one who wouldn't put anything
else in the world above me
(I can still see love for me) I can
still see love for me in your eyes
(I still see the love)

And there ain't no way
I'm lettin' you go now
And there ain't no way
and there ain't no how
I'll never see that day...

Repeat Chorus (2x)

I'm keeping you forever and for always
I'm in your arms....

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Every Morning

nicotine_ (12:01:12 AM): for me your a rose petal
nicotine_ (12:01:49 AM): listen to me...
nicotine_ (12:01:58 AM): every morning
nicotine_ (12:02:10 AM): between my arms i find you
nicotine_ (12:02:12 AM): every morning
nicotine_ (12:02:29 AM): i feel ur skin that i caress and i cant hide that i want to awake in you
nicotine_ (12:02:39 AM): every morning
nicotine_ (12:02:55 AM): between a sheet and the other...there is a miracle that breathes on my side
nicotine_ (12:03:04 AM): and it makes me so happy that you own my love
nicotine_huerta (12:03:17 AM): and like that im lost in you...
nicotine_ (12:03:20 AM): the light of our love
nicotine_ (12:03:34 AM): the song that we make when we make love
nicotine_ (12:03:48 AM): every morning
nicotine_ (12:04:05 AM): ill teach myself to love you like this is our first time
nicotine_ (12:04:19 AM): and i will never forget the beautiful thing that is to love you
nicotine_ (12:04:42 AM): every morning...until we die

How Do I Love Thee…

Let me count the ways…I love thee…because you are:




Redundantly Royale!

But most of all, I love you because you are YOU!
and you make me happy.
You light my world and bring laughter.
You made me feel what is it like to love so real,
You made me cry and feel the way I do....
I love you FOREVER because... you made me feel LOVED!

Those Days

As short and swift
ever days could be
How will I know, what those days
could meant to me
Of seeing, talking and being near you
Had endlessly disturb my heart
Those days that had just passed
I wish in my thoughts,
they last
For those days are for me
to treasure and to cherrish
So, that those days of our sweet
and sad memories
I won't miss!

-Ochie Ramos

Thursday, October 13, 2005


Ewan ko,
Hindi ko maintindihan
Kung bakit ganito
Damdamin ko'y ang gulo,
Hindi ko alam kung ano.

Para bang mayroon akong hinahanap-hanap
Ngunit kung tutuusin ay wala.
Ako'y nalilito,kinakabhang parang halong may pangamba't tuwa,

Sa loob-loob ko
Pakiramdam ko'y tila may gustong sumabog.
Nais ko sanang ilabas anuman itong gumugulo;
Ngunit ewan ko kung ano ito.
Hindi ko man lang mailabas,
Kahit anong pilit ko.
Hindi ko maibulas
Para bang init sa loob
Mahirap mailabas,
Hindi ko maihayag

Damdamin ko sa'yo.
Pag-ibig ba ito?


Monday, October 10, 2005

A Hymn To Life

What is life?
This eternal seed
This consciousness of every individual...
I, becoming what I am
A question too.
Shall I pass to nothingness?
Shall my words be forgotten like me
Blown forever by the wind?
As it looks now, we pass away
Into eternal silence...
As in sleep.
We exist now
We sleep once
We awake forever more.


A Friend

At different times
Everybody fails and cries
And feels embrassed and anxious
and lonely and insecure
And needs warmth
From someone called a friend.

*Ochie & Princess (1988)

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Time to Time

From time to time,
I think of you
and from the time I think of you
I know my heart loves you
But only from time to time
'Cuz from time to time too,
I try not to think of you.
From time to time then,
My heart tries not to love you.
It tries to forget
and erase the pain you inflicted
Because, your love has no soul.
It is only time to time
you would love me then
afterwards you would hold back!
So, I came to this sense that
love could be a time to time
pleasure and pain.
However, I would choose the time wherein
I would forever stop thinking of you.

*CFBA (Nov. 2, 1992)

Thursday, October 06, 2005

The Diary of Georgette

12 March 2005

In my dreams…
Are dreams real?
Are they to really come true?

I walked with someone else on the day of my wedding. I was afraid I would not get in church. And the funny thing is, instead of riding a car I walked to church with the man I was about to marry. We were almost running, we were hurrying and we were holding hands. We were worried to be late because people were waiting for us. It was a huge church and it was grand! My wedding gown was simple and my aunt Meren was there, she commented on my skirt. It didn’t look good to me but nevertheless it was a wedding skirt and I was getting married. The man I was to marry talked to a priest and he went towards the door to open it and face all the people who were waiting outside for the ceremony to begin when I looked and called him…. I wanted to thank him for making it with me on time. We held hands together and I wanted to thank him again for helping me or rather making us get to church for our wedding. I was too afraid if we wont get there, I’d never get married… I called his name---"Alex."

In my dreams… there’s always someone else with whom I am loved yet I cannot see his face and I don’t know who he is… Lewi used to tell me she saw two people at my back and she also told me she had seen my daughter and she doesn’t look like Xander…

In my dreams,
Do dreams really come true?
Like when you say, I love you so.....

Monday, October 03, 2005

The Last Sun Rays

I woke up in the morning
after a restful slumber
and saw the sun shine on my window.
I knew that this day,
there will be a lot of things
ahead of me
But I'm prepared to face them
with all the energies I have preserved
During my restful slumber.

On my way to school
The sun continued to shine bright
Coarsing up to its own usual place,
Up in the Skies.

My thoughts began to wonder
On and on, as I went about my usual
normal and hectic day.

There are times
When my thoughts wandered
to what we had and I thought of you....
It made me smile and stop to remember
after a while, I'd thought:
"So, much of the reminiscene,
No use thinking of you.
It's just a mere tick of the clock!"
I have to get through with my day
as much as I can.
So, I can have another restful slumber.

On my way home
I walked alone with an easy pace
Knowing the day is thorough and done, alas!
I've given the best I can
And done what was expected of me....

The sun is turning pale
Though it still continue to shine.
Shining on me,
Giving me it's last grace of sun rays.

I sat on a bench
and watched the sun
as it goes down beneath
the glittering sea.
It misted my eyes
and I thought of you again.
I feel like looking back in vain
hoping maybe someday, somewhere
in the world, there might be a time.
A time for us to be together.

However, that will all never come
to it's own fulfillment.
Because, I know
as the sun goes down and me
to my restful slumber
I know,
The sun will never shine
on me again
for this is the last sun rays.



I see your face in the dark
Fresh, taking and countenance.
Like a dream,
I see your face shining in the dark
Looking a little meager
And you are just starring at me
Making me smile and glad
to see you again...

I see your face gleaming in the dark
You're alone, looking at me
I called upon your name
But no sound came from my lips
My voice blown forever by the wind.
I looked at you
You remain still
no words or sign.
A look of disappointment came to me
You stood motionless in the dark
Starring out endlessly on me...

I see your face in the dark
longing and solemn
I long to cares your face---
But suddenly, blackness started engulfing you
I see you,
your eyes slowly dimning
As darkness took you away...

Memories started flashing in the dark
I stop to remember
you're not here anymore.

It's getting cold in the dark
Yet I remain
standing... alone...
Wondering why???
What could have gone wrong?

It's getting lonely in the dark
And I'm starting to feel so empty,
cold and alone.
I hate the dark
Not because it vanishes you
But because darkness reminds me
of my emptiness


When You Share LOVE

Love is not what it really is
when it is not shared.
It needs care and trust
to show you really do.
It needs fulfillment
of expressed sensitive emotions.
It helps when there is
a bothered emotion.
When you share love
You express what is in you
of what you feel and do.
It reveals your true feelings
of loving and caring.
It makes someone at ease
When he is with you.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

The Return

Beyond the vastness
beyond the depths
Within the blackness
the hunt begins

Horror, bloody chaos
engage the hostilies
eminent danger ensues.

They meet, a quandary,
What was once hunted
is now the prey,
What was once slain,
is now reborn.

Like the Phoenix rising
from the ashes.
The prophecy is fulfilled.
There is only one!

*The rebirth of #SpeakEasy

Saturday, October 01, 2005


Friends for all seasons
thats what we are
Sharing yesterday's lost
and tomorrow's gain
Together we built,
friendship that's true!
In the eyes of God
and in the eyes of man.
We sailed together life's road edges,
We crossed mountains and climbed down the hills.
Yet here we are, together still
Our lives bonded together
in friendship gear
All of us will never forget
All the good things we shared and kept
For all of us are friends for all seasons
Rain or shine we'll never decline.


*For Twi, SINS, Guy, Mom, Nico, Jhen, Dymps, Fall, Heureka, Darkyboo(Dylan),

Aesu, Paul, Seba, Maryet, PistNorty, Ultra, Brat,
TooSmooth, Flammen, Boss, RedDrgn, Rasheed, Puric313,

                             }{apper,Sparky,J'lo,Chey & Brit of #SpeakEasy