Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Love You Forever

I woke up this morning feeling all the love that I never seem to have ever felt before. It's such a wonderful feeling....of loving and being loved in return....It's so wonderful, knowing I have someone I love and who loves me back as much as I do.... Andres, I love you!
So whatever happened to your connection again?!? LOL!
Well, the last time my love and I had been talking together online was three nights ago. We've been having the night we will always remember :) Then suddenly he went kaput! That scared the shit out of me! I went KABOOM! Wrote an email screaming my anger and four letter word disappointment then went to the channel where we usually meet. I cried on a friend online and said goodbye. Next, I deleted my blogs and sulked in a room and cried my heart out. In short, it was a post KATRINA disaster!!! Geez! I missed work and its my third day! I went back to the channel and called a dear friend and poured my heart but of course, I still kept some private details---AHEM! I got a series of lecture and I was told I needed a good spanking. Aw! yeah, I do! "GO CARPE DEIM!!! " he said. But I only started my day yesterday and those things happened Sunday night. I truly had to leave my pc and shut all my messengers. I needed to catch up on the life I have neglected for a few days. I wasn't beeing in my usual self lately. I truly BLEW! Been sick bad! And...I just couldn't help missing my love...I think of him constantly and I felt this deep sadness the moment I left my pc and didn't logged in even I knew he was online. I tried sleep and drain all the sadness in my deepest slumber but maybe I was truly born a light sleeper cuz I woke up feeling disturbed. I knew he was looking and waiting for me...So after I got home last night, I went online under the powerful invisibility mode. That did the trick and presto! I saw him logged in ;D hehehehe! We met in another channel server and he had no idea I changed my nick so he was surprised to find out who I am under an assumed new nick. We talked and what a relief he wasnt so angry but he was more understanding this time....more calmer and gentler, hmmm...?!?! unbelievable! or has he turned into the person I used to be and me into the terrible person he is?!? (evil grins!). Are we both picking up each other's personality? HAHAHAHA! funny, what love can do ;D
He went kaput again but I wasnt worried or angry. I just let it be knowing so much now he will be back and that he loves me as much as I do and he WON'T cheat! Sounds like i'm gaining some TRUST now eh! ;D
I love yah FOREVER!!!

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