Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Only Love Can Do!

sometimes, even with modern technology and newly discovered vaccine or antibiotics....still....sometimes, it doesn't help to cure what ails the heart....but only LOVE can do!!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Swimming with ENGRAM II-B

Aha! ... finally got these pictures from my students. These were taken during the last day of first term, semestrial break ... it was taken last September 11, 2007.... hmmm! sounds like it rings a bell! AHEM!

Playing the Merry-Go-Round

one, two , three....Ahhhh!!!

Me, getting punished after the deep plunge game. I failed to pass underneath the four students. Look at them cheering, obviously pleased to see me get punished for a change. LOL!

Having a serious sessions with the students in the pool....


Playing cat and dog in the pool. Look how much Eric was having a hard time with Raffy. HA HA HA!

Then Cat-Cat next... hehehe!

[Special^K] said...

\\-(.. I've killed a million petty souls // But I couldn't kill you // I've slept so long without you ..)-//

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Table Tennis Game

Yesterday, I played table tennis in school.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Pleasant Dreams....

Lately, I've been having so much pleasant dreams in the mornings. Usually I find something funny either I am watching people or I am in a funny conversation with somebdy. It makes me smile and laugh in my dreams. It was heart warming 'cuz I am having a good laugh. The feeling is so wonderful, light and cheery...what is even more funny is because I wake up to find myself grinning or smiling and worst, sometimes, I would wake up laughing! It's so odd and I was like D-HUH?! but then, I am glad I'm having these nice dreams instead of the terrifying ones that I used to have every three in the morning. My nightmares usually happens around that time but I am not having them nowadays. Although, there are nights when sleep just won't come. I have to stay awake, read books or stay online and chat.... I haven't blogged lately 'cuz I don't have much time. I've been too busy with other things, mainly reading books or magazines. I guessed, I am getting hooked on my reading habit again---- thanks to Mark!
So, last pleasant dream was something like me watching two popular local singers (Pops & Martin) with them singing and fooling around then suddenly Martin leaned his hand roughly on Pops while she was singing and ya can see on her face the look she gave Martin and Martin suddenly realize the camera was on focus and apologetically wrapped his arms around Pops shoulders and massaged her where it hurts. I find it funny but I am sure it ain't funny for those who will read this. It's not like I am their faithful fan. LOL! NO!!!! but I did wake up grinning then eventually, I realize I was actually laughing.... mwuahahahaha! I also notice that this usually happens after my roomie goes out of the room and takes a bath. I knew she just went to the bathroom 'cuz I usually wake up when she takes her stuff from her cabinet before going out of the room 'cuz she always hit the foot of my bed and I open my eyes a bit then I fall back to sleep right away....I like the mornings because it's so pleasant and the bed is still cool. It feels so good to stay and go on sleeping. Every morning is a fresh new day!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Peeve's Song

When there's strife and trouble
Call Garfskies` and she'll make DOUBLE!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


As I fiNisheD rEaDing tHe HarRy POtter boOk 6th (The Half-BlOod-PriNce). I cAn't hElp bUt feEl SaD. My fRieND wAs rIghT, tHe bOoK wAs SaD aNd it's TrUe DumbLedOre, ThE mOst pOweRfUl wiZard and HeaDmaSter of HOgwartZ SchoOl Of WitchCrafT and WiZaRdy, diEd, LeaVing HarRy all alOne nOw tO faCe VoldermOrt in ThE neXt and FinaL boOk ---The DeaDly HaLlOws.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Harry Potter- Book 6th

It's SNAPE! He is the Half-Blood-Prince! the murderer! TRAITOR! HALFblood!
He killed Dumbledore!!!

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Verso Español

Si alguna vez la vida te maltrata
acuerdade de mi,

que no puedo cansarse de esperar,

aquel que no se cansa de mirarte

-Luis Garcia de Montero (Granada 1961)

Wednesday, October 03, 2007


There's still a romantic element in knowing that I love someone but I'm choosing to do the right thing by staying.... silent.