Monday, July 17, 2006


Girls are SPECIAL ones
created by God...

If you pRaisE hEr,
sHe tHinks you are LyiNg...

If you dOn't,
you aRe gOOd for nOthiN...

If sHe taLks,
sHe waNts you tO ListEn...

If yoU ListEn,
sHe waNtS yoU to taLk...

If yoU kisS hEr,
You aRe nOt a g-E-n-t-L-m-A-n...

If yOu dOn't,
uR nOt a mAn...

If U agRee to "ALL" hEr LiKes,
u aRe a wimP...

If u doN't,
YoU aRe nOt unDersTaNdinG...

So siMpLe yEt so cOmpLex
sO wEird ywt So bEauTifuL...

DaTs a girL...

A nOn-UnderStandAbLe

WhOm gUys LoVes a Lot! .... ;p

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