Monday, February 05, 2007


[ChAoS]: how is it hard?!
MsGDmsc: some ingredients are confusing
MsGDmsc: they dont clearly state what kind
you take the meat, flop it around in seasoned flour and
fry it in a skillet with fat
* `jack` is juniperlee pretending to be
MsGDmsc: like the orange marmalade
[ChAoS]: hahahahah hi jack
`jack`: hello all...
[ChAoS]: whats confuzing about orange marmalade
`jack`: hi [ChAoS] are you hun??
[ChAoS]: am good. trying to teach georgie how to cook
MsGDmsc: where is jilly?
`jack`: no jill......we lost her
`jack`: hehehe...i shouold listen too then
MsGDmsc: cook?
MsGDmsc: nope its actually bake
or not cook...
[ChAoS]: nobake
[ChAoS]: :P
MsGDmsc: looool
trying to explain what sourcream is
MsGDmsc: brb someone will be at the door
against say.. buttermilk
MsGDmsc: i need to open the door
ahhh...wellno bake is just as hard
[ChAoS]: ok
[ChAoS]: she has a recipe that calls for sourcream but
doesnt have 'sourcream' where she lives
[ChAoS]: apparently
`jack`: vastly different...... hard to get buttermilk in aus
[ChAoS]: so... trying to explain what it is so she can look for the alternative there
[ChAoS]: well theres ways to make it yerself
`jack`: there is but I dont know how....
`jack`: brain is fried really...had a big weeekend
[ChAoS]: like adding lemonjuice to milk... makes buttermilk.
`jack`: Ohhhh...see didnt know that...
[ChAoS]: 1 tsp lemon to 1 cup of milk. let it sit for 10 mins
[ChAoS]: then she can take 1 cup of cream and add
1 tablespoon of buttermilk to get sourcream
[ChAoS]: but its a gentle warm on the cream to 180' then cool to roomtemp
in a cold water bath. add the buttermilk. cover and let sit for a day or two.
[ChAoS]: it'll keep in the fridge for almost a month after that
[ChAoS]: covered
`jack`: wooooo....right...nah....just buy the stuff
[ChAoS]: lol yeah. but she doesnt think they have it there in the phillipines
[ChAoS]: idk
[ChAoS]: i'd just use yogurt
[ChAoS]: add some lemon juice
[ChAoS]: same consistency. same acid.
MsGDmsc: back
georgie, save the log of this for the links and directions :)
MsGDmsc: okies
[ChAoS]: i've used plain yogurt with lemonjuice added before for making regular cheesecakes
MsGDmsc: in case i dont find sour cream
do you have cream cheese there?
MsGDmsc: yes
MsGDmsc: i saw
MsGDmsc: imported ones

[ChAoS]: oh. well. why dont you just use that? make a regular cheesecake
MsGDmsc: but it says also sour cream
MsGDmsc: aside cream cheese

[ChAoS]: theres all sorts of ways to make cheesecake
[ChAoS]: you can go simple or complicated
MsGDmsc: this one will help digestive
what are you using for a crust?
MsGDmsc: cookie crumbs
MsGDmsc: hahahahaha!
MsGDmsc: :D
MsGDmsc: maybe oreo
MsGDmsc: loooooooool
[ChAoS]: so... easy way.
[ChAoS]: make your crust
MsGDmsc: yeah
[ChAoS]: then
[ChAoS]: 2 pkg of cream cheese
MsGDmsc: mix the crust with meleted butter then freeze
[ChAoS]: 1 small container of yogurt (plain)
MsGDmsc: and?
MsGDmsc: tell me more what next ,i might just follow your recipe! sigh!

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