Sunday, February 18, 2007

G` in Defense of Daddy HangMan

One day HangMan decide to have dinner with her mirc daughter....
HangMan: i got wine and coke hehe! ....umm, the salad will be delicious. Well, i be boiled 2 potatoes and some soya meat and i have some mexican mix boiling.
HangMan: gona mix all that add some cucumbers pickles and some mayo....light mayo!
sounds yummy
*G` runs to get her high chair and pushes it near the kitchen table
HangMan: come over G` it s gona be a big bowl
G`:but i dont like mexican mix
HangMan: french would be better, veggies are good!
* G` gets a serving from her daddy Hangy
HangMan: :)

* Joins: UnAsigned

HangMan: unaaaaaaaa
* G` looks up from the table
G`: unaaaaaaaaaa
G`: :D
HangMan: ahh the wine kicks in
HangMan: i m gettin chatty hehe
G`: yipeeee!
HangMan: :)

* Joins: pArAnOiD (paranoid@

HangMan: still have some left in my mug
HangMan: and some coke

* G` looks at HangMan's mug and gives it back

HangMan: i hate coke
HangMan: but is good with wine
HangMan: hehehe
G`: he he he! :)
HangMan: it s good for my low blood pressure G`
CrazyOne: anything is good if you have enough wine
* G` busy herself with the salad bowl
* HangMan gives G` an evil look

* The-Babe sets mode: +v pArAnOiD

G`: icks !

* pArAnOiD snatches the wine from HangMan

G`: The-Babe
The-Babe: G`: You ve ever been to a wedding reception at the Waffle House?
G`:git it back
G`: *get
G`: pArAnOiD give it to daddy hangy
G`: thts his vitamins!
HangMan: :D
pArAnOiD: mine too

* pArAnOiD gulps it down like a fiend
pArAnOiD: hehe

* G` shakes her head and raises her hand

G`: well daddy u have more wine?
HangMan: yes
pArAnOiD: ooo HangMan's a drunk
^Darky: a drunk ?
UnAsigneD: uhm
pArAnOiD: drunk/drunkard whatever.
G`: pfff
HangMan: i just had a mug of wine and ppl call me drunk
HangMan: G` defend u re daddy!
G`: grrrrr
G`:should i send him to china daddy?
HangMan: all the way
G`: ;D ajaaaaaaaaa
pArAnOiD: amsterdam would be more appreciated

(G` types) *x* kick #dewdropinn pArAnOiD off to amsterdam get a wooden shoes!

* pArAnOiD was kicked by X ((georgette) off to amsterdam get a wooden shoes!)*

(pArAnOiD makes revenge!)
You were kicked by X ((paranoid) ~_^)

* Attempting to rejoin channel #DewDropInn * Rejoined channel #DewDropInn
* Topic is '"The parados of our time is that we have taller buildings but shorter tempers, wider freeways, but narrower viewpoints..2[00:11] * Set by G` on Sat Feb 17 21:34:02[00:11] -LadyKitty- {{Welcome to DewDropInn dont forget to visit at: 12  for rules , pictures , addons and much more...}}[00:11] * Joins: pArAnOiD (paranoid@
^Darky: loooooooooool
G`: waaaaaaa!
G`: daddy!!!
G`: ouchie!

* The-Babe sets mode: +v G`

HangMan: hahahahaha
* G` touches her ass
HangMan: awwww
pArAnOiD: hahahaha
pArAnOiD: dont kick, its irritating

* pArAnOiD was kicked by X ((Sory) Sticks and stones may break my bones but this will get your ASS KICKED!)

* G` hugs her daddy
^Darky: poor paranoid
HangMan: daddy has handy shortcuts
HangMan: even drunk can kick

* CrazyAway laughs

* Joins: pArAnOiD (paranoid@
pArAnOiD: wtf?
HangMan: wb pArAnOiD
pArAnOiD: pff

* CrazyAway waits till HangMan sees double b4 he says anything
* HangMan was kicked by X ((paranoid) pffft)
* Joins: HangMan (
* X sets mode: +o HangMan

* pArAnOiD was kicked by X ((Sory) Revenge is all mine pArAnOiD AutoKick 10 -=HangIRC=-)

G`: ahaha

* Joins: pArAnOiD (paranoid@
* The-Babe sets mode: +v HangMan
G`: lol

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I just runned into this by mistake when i ve googled some stuff into my bot this addy came up :D .
I had no ideea what my girl is upto :D anyways take care daddy s girl .
Lots of Hugs
