Friday, September 30, 2005


People talk.
They talk,
they talk and talk.
He talks,
She talks,
You talk,
All talk and talk
And talk and talk and talk.
Blah! blah! blah!

All day long
You hear nothing but chit-chats
A chatter there and
A chatter here
From morning, noon to night.
And the world goes on,
People quack and quack
like the ducks!

Talk, talk, talk
Ahh! blah, blah, blah
And yackety-yackety yack!

*June 5, 1997.
* I dedicate this poem to #SpeakEasy
and to all the people I regularly chat in there ;D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am one of the Yackers lol Love to chat i do. Dymples:)